TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - How many have pulled their whole car apart over time?
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Subject How many have pulled their whole car apart over time?
Posted by Gordo NA2LS Daytona on October 11, 2019 at 4:29 PM
  This message has been viewed 327 times.
Message I'm dealing with a speedo wiring issue so the dash is apart again; and I thought to myself, I've had almost the complete car apart section by section over the last two years.

Big sub assemblies like transmissions and smaller accessories like alternators I've replaced, but not disassembled; otherwise it reads like this:

Both subframes, all the suspension pieces and control arms
Hubs and wheels and tires
All driveline pieces, including engine, trans, diff, axles
Everything in the engine bay
Front and rear fascias, totally apart
Lighting systems front and read
Never the Doors or hatch, but taken apart to replace some internals
Windshield and windows
Seats out and apart
Carpet No, but sections and corners to run wires yes.
Dashboard, Evaporator and Heater core, ducting. wiring
Console, shifter, parking brake, radio, etc.
All interior panels including hatch


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